I chose this specific image because environment and interaction is everything, especially with young students. My first impression when I look upon the class was amazed. She had the tables shaped just like these in the photo, spread out in a way where there was enough space that she could walk around each table checking up the students. She also left space in the center so that she did not have to stand in front of them lecturing but instead be at eye level with them so they felt comfortable and engaged. She had evenly had a number of boys and girls at a table and said she would switch their sets often so that the students could all feel comfortable with each other.
She used numbers and colors for each student which connected to their cubby, folders, tablet and areas in which the placed their newly done projects. It felt very clean and not cluttered.
The layout of the class really can determine the success of the students. I truly believe the teacher set them up for success because of how well she managed her paperwork and supplies and how she allowed them to independently take charge of their personal belongings and responsibilities. It was very important to her to make sure they relayed on themselves and each other because it allowed them to become social, independent, confident, and learn organizational skills for future purposes.
Teacher's Strategies:
As I observed the classroom, I noticed that the teacher had specific strategies that I admired. Strategies she used include visual, auditory, involvement, and repetition.
Throughout the day she had a specific routine the students toke part in. Such as morning classwork they automatically began with to start their day. They all knew where to get the sheets and where to begin. She walked around making sure they were on task but allowed the students to work in groups to help one another. As soon as they were done or close to finishing she told them to raise their pens so she could acknowledge them quietly so that the other students could continue.
She then reviewed the work they had done by projecting the image of the sheet they were working on so that they could fallow along as they went through the homework. She again engaged them into the lesson by asking them to read out loud the question, answer and then question them how the answer was gathered.
She repeated these same strategies with the students to ensure they worked independently, signaled that they finished, repeated the other students, then she brought up a visual for the students to fallow along, reviewed what they did, questioned them, and repeated.
Teacher's Knowledge and attitude:
I first walked into the classroom nervous, anxious, and afraid I would not feel comfortable. Even though I knew I was older then all the children in the class, it was still intimidating to know I would not know anyone, I felt like the new kid in class. But it only toke 30 seconds before I had a very warm welcome and acknowledgement by both the teacher and the students. I was asked to automatically engage with the students by helping with homework, answering their questions, filling, and being the teacher.
She taught the students to greet anyone who came in, open the door, help one another, not interrupt, and over all respect each other. It is normal for young students to act up, poke fun, or get upset, but these students did so well by not encouraging each other to do bad and disturb the learning environment. What was most fascinating to me is that the students who finished early would walk around like the teacher and help others who had fallen behind, had a hard time understand certain English words, and made sure everyone was working together. Even with restroom breaks, PE, recess, she made sure to place responsibilities on the students to hold the door open, be the line leader, bathroom watcher, and be her eyes incase anyone was acting up.
She acknowledged each and everyone's involvement and ability to comprehend. What I mean by this is that she treated everyone the same in front of the others, no matter there strength or weaknesses. She toke things step by step with the class room so that no one felt on the spot or lost. Then if the students needed extra help that when she would walk around and explain anything that was not understood.
I now realize that discrimination is learned as they get older and that young generations can be taught acceptance and understanding if they are treated that was and have an example. In the class room i observed there were all sorts of different types of backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs, and morals within each child. But they all did not see that difference, they all collaborated well together and established close relationships with not only their peers and teacher but with me as well. For the ELLs it was hard for me to distinguish who they were because the classroom as a whole was very social and open to one another. I really admire this because this helps build the social culture portion of an individual that really shapes who they will become. I will definitely reconsider the way I approach people. I learned that everyone comes from all sorts of different environments and have different expectations and beliefs. I want to be able to teach my future students the importance of acceptance and communication that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that is okay.
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